Passionate about teaching and spreading contagious enthusiasm, Julie is dedicated to crafting the optimal experience for individuals, aiming to help you achieve and maintain your fitness goals. Julie's goal is to inspire and motivate others to engage in healthy movement practices.
Are you  Someone who is willing to collaborate in making yourself healthy? 
Are you willing to start taking steps today toward your goals?
Are you willing to make it playful and fun (even the hard stuff)?
Let's transform together, book services with Julie today!

Fascia is the connective tissue web that envelops our bodies and constructs structure, movement and emotion. When we release restricted  fascia we get out of pain, move easier and build resilience to stress.

Fascial Fitness is a lifestyle. When your fascia is free and mobile you move better, breathe better and hold less stress in your body.

How do YOU start to create FASCIAL FITNESS for yourself?

  • Learn simple movements to release your fascia 
  • Properly  hydrate and mineralize  your tissues
  • Reduce inflammation and toxins from your environment 
  • Move your body everyday in a healthful way
  • Release your unhealthy emotions
3 STEPS to RELEASE your fascia

1. PIN a specific area in YOUR body.
2. Rotate your body to identify tension.
3. Breathe to create space through diaphragmatic pressure.
...It feels so good!!

Fascial Maneuvers is a seated or standing movement practice dedicated to taking the body out of stress by unwinding stuck fascia. Everyone unlocks greater flexibility, strength, and a sense of well-being and healed wholeness.

Fascial maneuvers leave us feeling a range of sensations, like very euphoric and high or very quiet, still, at peace....They open our body up to connect with ourselves.

Julie incorporates teaching fascial maneuvers into my spin flow and hands on sessions!
  • Experience genuine motivation from someone genuinely invested in your outcomes.
  • Engage in a non-competitive and fun-focused environment.
  • Embrace positive challenges that contribute to your growth.
  • Acquire fluid cycling skills for enhanced comfort on the bike.
  • Discover joy through music and my personal sharing with you.
  • Benefit from improved flexibility and injury prevention through Fascial Maneuvers.

Emotional sensations, fatigue, relaxation, and changes in pain may all be experienced during and after the session.
The class includes 45 Minutes of SPIN followed by 15 minutes of FASCIAL MANEUVERS.
Fascial Maneuvers is an innovative movement practice dedicated to unwinding stuck fascia which is the connective tissue web that envelops our bodies and constructs structure and movement and emotion. Through this practice participants unlock greater flexibility, strength, and a sense of well-being through specific movements and breathing.
This class is designed to motivate you to get up in the morning, put something on, hop on your bike and most importantly, take care of yourself to start your day!

Choose between a spin bike or a road bike with a trainer, and utilize the Zoom app on your computer or phone. Make sure to have a towel on hand for your session and water for hydration.